International Searches

Bourse have many years experience in providing quality international company search & credit reports.

The type of information we are able to provide will vary for each jurisdiction and on the type and size of company concerned.

Bourse offer two types of search report, as follows:

Company Registry Search

(a) Details of information held on public record 
(b) Copies of accounts where there is a requirement for these to be filed

Usually, the Company Registry searches are provided in the original language. If required, we can arrange for translation.

International Credit Reports

Credit Reports, in English, can be obtained within five working days. These usually include the following information:

Ownership & Management

  • Names of directors, shareholders or proprietor
  • Capital structure & shareholdings
  • Names and job titles of senior company personnel

Legal Status & History

  • Date of establishment or incorporation
  • Legal status, registration number and trading style
  • Registered address
  • Affiliated companies
  • Historical information, change of ownership


  • Full details of business activities
  • Equipment employed
  • Description of premises
  • Number of employees

Financial Information

  • Extracts from or full balance sheets and profit & loss accounts (if available)
  • Registered mortgages & charges
  • Bankers

Credit Appraisal & Conclusion

An opinion based on the payment experience of local or international trade suppliers, banks, known public record details of any court action and protested bills.

If you would like to discuss your particular requirements or check on the availability of information available, costs & timescale before ordering, please contact us or email

In all cases we will advise you of the exact cost, timescale and information available.

““We have used Bourse for all our company formations for many years and have always been very pleased with their prompt and efficient service and with the quality of the documentation they produce for our clients. They are also very helpful and knowledgeable when we ask them for advice and guidance on other Company matters””

Chartered Accountants - Cirencester